FrameShiny Crystal Khaki
LensMineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
Cat. 2 to 3
Tint base : Bronze
% Visible Light Trans. : 32-13%
Overcast to medium light conditions. Ideal for Driving and Everyday use. Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
Cat. 2 to 3
Tint base : Bronze
% Visible Light Trans. : 32-13%
Overcast to medium light conditions. Ideal for Driving and Everyday use. Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
2 to 3
Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized 555nm Cat 3 to 3
Cat. 3 to 3
Tint base : Gray
% Visible Light Trans. : 13%
Very bright light conditions. The non-polarized lens is ideal for Driving and Everyday use. The polarized lens is ideal for boating activities.Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
Cat. 2 to 3
Tint base : Bronze
% Visible Light Trans. : 32-13%
Overcast to medium light conditions. Ideal for Driving and Everyday use. Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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Mineral Polarized Drivers Cat 2 to 3
Cat. 2 to 3
Tint base : Bronze
% Visible Light Trans. : 32-13%
Overcast to medium light conditions. Ideal for Driving and Everyday use. Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
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- Betaling in 4 termijnen zonder kosten met
- Gratis Verzending voor elke bestelling boven 150€
- Eenvoudig Retourneren geduren 30 dagen
- Al onze producten zijn gedekt door een garantie van 2 jaar.
Key Features
- Photochromic
- Polarized
- Spectral Control

Lens Drivers
Category 2 to 3.
Overcast to medium light conditions.
Ideal for Driving and Everyday use.
Available in non-polarized and polarized ultra-light mineral and PhD™ 2.0 lenses.
Absorbs 77% to 91% of the visible light, according to the lens.
Blocks 89% to 96% of the blue light, according to the lens.
Launched in 1985, this ideal driving sunglass is the original and emblematic lens of Serengeti®. The amber-colored Drivers lens naturally amplifies contrast and definition. It is engineered to transmit and distinguish red, green and yellow colors, so they can pop in all environments. This lens provides technicolor sensations of warmth and is ideal for driving because it enhances colors and contrast, while lightening and darkening to provide optimal light transmission in any condition.
Onze minerale glazen zijn gemaakt van optisch borosilicaatglas van Corning®.
Onze minerale glazen, gemaakt van borosilicaatglas, zijn 20% dunner en lichter dan standaard glazen. Dankzij het productieproces, dat normaal is voorbehouden aan corrigerende glazen van oogheelkundige kwaliteit, bieden deze glazen een ongeëvenaarde visuele scherpte en helderheid.
Elk paar minerale Serengeti® -brillenglazen is uniek: elk fotochromisch (meekleurend) brillenglas gaat door een met waterstof aangedreven koeloven, die de Spectral Control®-technologie activeert - met variërende temperaturen die de tint van het brillenglas bepalen.
Ze worden ook chemisch getemperd om kras- en schokbestendigheid te garanderen.
Om deze ongeëvenaarde visuele ervaring te perfectioneren, is de achterkant van het glas voorzien van een antireflecterende coating. Deze coating neutraliseert verstrooid licht en elimineert reflecterende schittering.
Als pionier in fotochromische (meekleurende) technologie bieden onze Serengeti-glazen je ogen altijd precies de juiste hoeveelheid licht, ongeacht het moment of de weersomstandigheden. De glazen reageren op UV-straling in de atmosfeer, waardoor ze geleidelijk overgaan van licht naar donker.
- Pictogram zon & wolken Pictogram bewolkt
- Vermindering van vermoeide ogen
Onze fotochromische technologie voorkomt vermoeide ogen door het aanpassingsproces aan het licht voor je te doen. Hierdoor kunnen je ogen ontspannen, omdat de glazen zich automatisch aanpassen aan de lichtomstandigheden.
Als pionier in fotochromische (meekleurende) technologie bieden onze Serengeti-glazen je ogen altijd precies de juiste hoeveelheid licht, ongeacht het moment of de weersomstandigheden. De glazen reageren op UV-straling in de atmosfeer, waardoor ze geleidelijk overgaan van licht naar donker.
Pictogram zon & wolken Pictogram bewolkt
Vermindering van vermoeide ogen
Onze fotochromische technologie voorkomt vermoeide ogen door het aanpassingsproces aan het licht voor je te doen. Hierdoor kunnen je ogen ontspannen, omdat de glazen zich automatisch aanpassen aan de lichtomstandigheden.
Ultieme bescherming tegen schittering dankzij onze polarisatietechnologie. Onze polarisatietechnologie biedt je ongeëvenaarde helderheid door storende schitteringen en reflecties van de weg, sneeuw, zee en andere oppervlakken te elimineren. Hierdoor worden je ogen minder snel vermoeid en geniet je van een helder en comfortabel zicht.
Ons celluloseacetaatpropionaat, vervaardigd in Italië, wordt vakkundig geproduceerd uit volledig natuurlijk katoen. Dit handgemaakte materiaal is licht van gewicht en kan in prachtige motieven en schitterende kleuren worden gegoten. Het is buigzaam wanneer het verwarmd wordt, waardoor het ideaal is voor op maat gemaakte ontwerpen.