At Serengeti we surround ourselves with unique personalities. Michelle is an airplane pilot. On the occasion of Pilot Day, we heard more about Michelle’s occupation and vision of the concept Chase the Light.
How did your wish to become a pilot come about ?
My grandfather once asked me, "Michelle, why don't you become a pilot? You have all the right subjects! Before that moment, I had never thought about becoming a pilot. No one I knew was a pilot and I had never flown in a small plane. And especially, coming from a small farming village and being a woman, I thought I would probably be the last person on earth to become a pilot. But I took my grandfather's advice and decided to visit many flight schools. After studying in depth what it means to be and become an airline pilot, it became clear that airplanes and I... were made for each other!
What has been your best flying experience or favorite destination ?
One of the best experiences was the first time taking off and landing a Boeing 737-800 with 200 passengers on board. After years of hard work, perseverance and uncertainty, realizing you made it, it is an indescribable powerful feeling.

As a pilot, you are using non polarized Serengeti lenses. Why is this important and what benefits do they provide ?
I always use non-polarized lenses inside the cockpit! Polarized lenses diminish glare by absorbing and blocking incoming horizontal light, while allowing it in vertical light. Because device screens and windshields already have anti-glare features, it interferes with windshield and digital devices. It can cause problems with reading instruments and looking out for traffic in the sky, which is why pilots always use non-polarized lenses.
Above the clouds, you are chasing the light on every flight. What is your relationship with light?
During our flights, we constantly adapt to light and the absence of light. Taking our sunglasses out of our flight bags when the first sunrays hit our faces and turning down the intensity of cockpit lighting when it gets dark, are just a few examples we do to adjust to the ever-changing light inside the cockpit.
What would you consider the top three benefits of Serengeti Sunglasses ?
The top 3 advantages of Serengeti sunglasses are their high-quality photochromic lenses, the look and outstanding comfort for long-term use. The perfect sunglasses in any cockpit environment.

Michelle is a Dutch pilot living in Amsterdam. Always in the air, she lives from her passion following the advice of her grandfather and her hard work. Today she chases the light from the sky and in her life as a woman pilot.
Instagram: @dutchpilotgirl