When light meets driving: The Solar Race
For the 15th edition of the solar race.. Serengeti partnered with the Brunuel Solar team to face one of the biggest challenge of their lives: to drive as much distance as possible from Johannesburg to Cape Town, South Africa, Having as only fuel : the Light…
Could you describe this experience in three words ?
We were so excited to be part of this challenge, to push the limits of technological innovation in a sustainable way.
Tell us more about the Solar Race ?
The Sasol Solar Challenge 2022 was an eight-day trip from Johannesburg to Cape Town. The goal was to pass the finish line with the most kilometers driven. Each day there was a loop included in the route. Every team could choose how many times they want to drive this loop in order to gain more kilometers. Winning this race was such a great reward after all our hard teamwork and efforts!

At Serengeti we Chase the Light everyday. What was the reason to participate in such a challenging race ?
We wanted to go beyond our limits. To be able to do this in a sustainable way was an amazing opportunity. We traveled over more than 4 200 kilometers, just on the power of the sun. We were literally chasing the light! Challenging ourselves far from our home, meeting new cultures, receiving the support of people... it was such an inforgettable experience full of light, full of life.
You've been driving in hard conditions, how was it to be equipped with Serengeti sunglasses ?
As you can imagine, to drive in these conditions was not easy. You must have a clear view on the road during the whole day. The sun was shining hard but thanks to the Serengeti photochromic lenses which adapts to UV light and provides your eyes the exact amount of light needed, we had that right sight on each day of the race. It was clearly a must have to drive in the best conditions.
What are your top 3 favorite Serengeti frames ?
Wayne black, Lupton and Antelio.

The Brunel Solar Race is a team composed of 11 engineer's students, from aerospace engineering to robotics. Every day, they are trying to push the boundaries in the field of sustainability. Each year, they participate in various solar races in South Africa or Australia.